It is exceptionally hard, disappointing and frustrating when you have been rejected from a job that you really wanted, especially when you have researched and prepared and thought you did well on the day.
Did you know that,
- 80% of CVs do not get shortlisted by hiring managers, meaning they do not make it past the first screen
- Only 2% of candidates who apply for a job are selected to attend a job interview
- On average hiring managers will interview 6 candidates for every 1 vacancy
- Less than 5% of candidates reject an interview offer from an employer
Unfortunately, this is going to happen sometimes. If you’ve had a rejection after an interview, here’s some ways to bounce back and be stronger for the next opportunity that may help you.
- The first thing to remember is that the way you feel in that moment is a normal reaction and that this emotion will pass. Try not to take it personally and over think things. By overcoming the disappointment, you can re-focus and move on with a positive mindset.
- Don’t mask that rejection feeling or pretend that it doesn’t hurt…. because it does. Give yourself some time to process the rejection and then give yourself an honest, but kind, evaluation of your performance
- Ask for detailed feedback on why you were not successful so you can reflect, learn and move on. There is always room to improve, so use any setbacks to shine a light on these areas
- From obtaining the feedback you can then review your interview techniques and job seeking strategy
- Are you applying for the right roles that suit your skills and employment experience?
- Maybe you are under or overqualified and need to focus on refine your search?
- Maybe you need to rethink your job searching strategy?
- Practice your interview technique with a friend or family member and get them to give you honest feedback
- Contact a recruitment agency that specialises in your field (if not using one). They are there here to help and can enhance your chances in securing your next new role. They can provide you with additional information about the company, tips and help you prepare for your interview. They know their clients and their working environment well and will have a good idea of fit and if you have the skillset they are looking for
Remember that rejection and failure aren’t the same thing. Believe In Yourself!!
That right role is there for you.
If you need any advice or help in securing your next new role, please contact us at Oyster Recruitment and we would be delighted to help.
‘You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.’ – Maya Angelou