So, here are the best all time interview tips to bring your ‘A’ game to secure your dream job. Its a three pronged approach…..…….
Oyster One
The First Impression
- There is clear research on the importance of making a great first impression, 33% of bosses know within the first 90 seconds of an interview whether they will hire someone.
- Plan the perfect interview outfit and if you are not sure what to wear try to investigate further through contacts or pictures on social media.
- General rule of thumb is better to be too smart but if the code is business or business casual keep your look basic and conservative for the first interview. It goes without saying that clean, pressed, tailored and modern is always a winner.
- Then the little things, shiny shoes, loose hems, and do have smart manicure look fingernails, people do notice the small details. Do have that haircut, shave or new outfit …….do what makes you feel good and boosts your confidence.
- You will need to take additional copies of your CV, notepad and two pens, an umbrella, plasters, small packet of tissues, hair brush or comb and breath mints.
- Smile, look your interviewer in the eye and offer a firm handshake- these are key to the first 90 seconds.
Oyster Two
Know Your Audience
- Research. Spend a few hours getting to know everything you can about the company, talk to contacts, read current news and press releases, and google them.
- You want to see the positive being displayed on the website but also the fuller picture with any negative press. Look at the blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram and the tone of content on each of these will speak volumes.
- If you are able, use the product or service before the interview. If you are successful you will be working with that product for the customers and it will give you invaluable insight.
- Check Glassdoor for reviews from employees, however, these are only a guide do not always take them at face value.
- Ensure you know the names of the people you are meeting and ideally their job titles. Then research them and see what they do in the company, what are they priorities likely to be when hiring and if you can who is the decision maker.
- Checking with the recruiter or HR contact about the interview format ahead of time is totally fair game. And once you know, investing time to become familiar with this style can make a huge difference.
Oyster Three
Match your skills to the job
- It is essential to consider what skills, accomplishments and abilities will be important for the job and aim to share them.
- Research common interview questions and think about examples in your work that evidence your ability or strength in that area ‘Let me give you an example’ is a good phrase to use.
- Have an answer ready for ‘Tell me about yourself’ as this is often the first question
- Don’t be thrown off by the classic, “What’s your biggest weakness?” Think of something that you struggle with but that you’re working to improve.
- Quote figures, percentages, increases or quotas that are important. These are vital for sales, marketing and various other disciplines like HR.
- You will be asked why you are interested in the company and the role, cover both in your answer and match yourself to both.
- Careful body language and posture – do not cross your legs and arms as it looks defensive. Try to reflect your interviewers’ position as this shows engagement.
- Prepared a list of 10-12 well thought out questions ready for ‘Have you got any questions for us’. The idea is to ask 2-3 questions not already answered.
- Smile, remember, YOU are awesome!