Is your role being made redundant? First steps to moving on.

After the initial shock of redundancy and the rollercoaster of emotions it can take time to regain focus and feel positive, realising it is not a personal rejection is the first step.

There is no point in going for an interview with those bruises still showing and sometimes it can be a sub conscious feeling that seeps out at interview without you realising.

Yesterday we mentioned taking the time you need to remind yourself of your capabilities, skills and taking time to reflect before you are ready to focus on your campaign plan for getting back to work.

So here are a few tips to help you on that road and find your clarity of thought and focus to nail that new role.

Be open and honestConfide and talk to your family about how you are feeling as early as you can, you do not have to face this alone and you have nothing to be ashamed of. This is not a reflection of your work ethic, the quality of your work or you as a person. Loved ones will offer you support and guidance.

Manage your money– address this early and it will help ease the financial worry, small changes in expenditure can make a big difference. Work out a budget with your settlement, can you cut back on luxury items, save money by switching bill providers, change tariffs on mobile broadband ? In this current situation most mortgage lenders are offering three month holidays from mortgage payments without damaging your credit score. If you are entitled to any benefits claim them and if you have any credit cards, loans and bills you cannot pay call the provider and explain the situation and they will try to help.

It can be difficult if you are proud, however when you have been made redundant regaining control of your finances is vitally important to your wellbeing.

Take stock – Is there anything you want to change in your career, do you have the same goals or is now a chance to start on a new journey? If your old role left you feeling exhausted, stressed and on the path to burnout is there another option to give you a better quality of life? Will your finances allow you to work part time or possibly set up your own business? Can you retrain for a new career and afford to do this without working at the same time? You may benefit from talking it through with someone outside of your immediate circle of friends who you trust to guide your thoughts?

Set your search parameters– It can be tempting to open your search to a ‘wider net’ but firstly decide on important factors like location, hours of work, finance limits, the actual function of the role and will it keep you challenged, satisfied and interested longer term? It is good to dream big and keep your options open but make sure you factor in all aspects of your wellbeing. Your dream job may appear with a 2 hour commute – what will that do longer term to your health?


The saying ‘Its not what you know, it’s who you know’

Everyone has a network, family, friends, neighbours, social contacts. Some have larger social media networks and others have extended families.

When you are looking for a new position make the most of your existing network at any age and expanding on contacts can be beneficial. From asking people you see in your local shop to targeted approaches on LinkedIn, telling people you are looking for work, reaching out can have surprising and positive results.

If you are using social media have a clear presence, be proactive in groups and have an active engaged account can open doors. Share your knowledge and expertise you will find the more you put yourself out there the more people will remember you when they are engaging with their contacts and you will be referred to the right people and roles.

Tomorrow- Applying for jobs  ‘Don’t apply for every vacancy you see.’

5th August 2020

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