At Oyster we are proud that we keep our promises to ensure we provide the best service to all our customers. We have confidence in building meaningful partnerships with both our clients and our candidates.
If we don’t honour our Promises on any permanent placements, we will waive the recruitment fee, no questions asked.
What you can expect from us:
We will meet with you remotely via video or face to face
To take an in-depth overview of the job responsibilities. This includes the reason for the vacancy, qualifications, skills and training required, as well as any necessary soft skills that will help the individual be successful in your organisation.
Every single candidate you interview has been interviewed by us
To fully understand their skillset, background and cultural fit so that we match the right candidate first time that will be most suited to your business.
We won’t over promise and under deliver
If we feel that we are unable to fill your vacancy due to market conditions or lack of knowledge in a specific area we will be honest with you.